Just another Tuesday.
Tuesday, March, 13, 2012 Mobility:Tricep mash, 1 minute eachAnkle Mobility w/ band, 1 minute each Warm-up:10 Front squats10 Basic dot drill10 Ghd Sit ups10 Ghd Hip extensions 10 Squat cleans10 Burpees10
That happened, part 4
Monday, March 12, 2012 Mobility:Wrist MobilityHip Mobility on Box, 2 minutes each Warmup:Jog 400 meters40 Double UndersBear Crawl, 40 meters10 Parallette Shoot Throughs10 Hollow Rocks10 PistolsL-sit, 10 seconds Skill:Practice Handstands
CrossFit Kids Open House
We put the fun in FUNctional! Saturday, March 10 from 12PM-1:30PM, we will be having our own CrossFit Kids 101 for the entire family. The Open House will include a
Ride the Flare
Saturday, March 10, 2012 Paradiso CrossFit Kids Open House today at Noon! Please RSVP is you are planning on attending! Mobility: Hip Prep Warmup: Volleyball Pepper, 5 minutes (see below)
Eat This, Not That!
Friday, March 9, 2012 CrossFit Kids Open House tomorrow at Noon! Check out the details and rsvp HERE! Mobility:Hip Mobility with Band, 2 minutes eachRack Mobility with Band, 2 minutes
Your Coat of Arms
Thursday, March 8th, 2012 Mobility:Hip Prep Warm up:Jog 800 meters10 Light deadliftsJog, a little faster, 400 meters10 Hang Power CleansRun 200 meters10 Power Cleans Load up barbell to a weight
That happened, Part 3
Wednesday, March 7, 2012 Come check out the CrossFit 201, tonight at 8:30! Also, more hill sprints for track night tonight! Click HERE for the location! Mobility:10 Wall Extensions20 Right
Weigh down….
Tuesday, March 6, 2012 Crossfit Kids Open House!! Come join us this Saturday March 10 and see what it’s all about….more information can be found HERE! Mobility: Shoulder distraction with
Weekend Recap
Monday, March 5, 2012 Check out the upcoming CrossFit 201, this Wednesday at 8:30! Also, track night will be meeting HERE for hill sprints tonight! Mobility: Hip Prep Warmup: Row
Did the Hill Disappear?
Saturday, March 3, 2012 Mobility:Shoulder Prep Warm up:10 Deadlifts, light10 Handstand Kick ups10 Bar taps8 Deadlifts, moderate8 Handstand Kick ups8 Kipping Pull ups6 Deadlifts, moderate-heavy6 Handstand push ups6 Pull ups