8 Mile Saturday Run Club – Beachside Run through MDR/Venice

8 Miles – Easy Tempo Training run We will start at the PCF Venice gym and head to the boardwalk and run south to MDR and back (~4 miles), then

Third Annual PCF Mammoth Ski Trip – Sno Rep III

This is going to be a third year in the row we’ll be making a weekend trip up to Mammoth with our friends from Precision CrossFit. FRI 2/8 – SUN

If I only had a brain

Sunday, February 10, 2013 Mobility/Warm-up: Run 400 meters 10 Front squats (bar only) Posterior flossing, 1 minute each Tricep mash, or Super rack Ankle mobility w/ band 10 Thrusters Strength:

Stay Thirsty My Friends

Friday, February 8, 2013   Mobility: Row 500mPosterior Chain Flossing with BandT-Spine Smash with foam rollerGristleSampson Stretch Strength: 3×10 Deadlift- heaviest possible, rest 3 minutes between sets Notes:  These are touch

Friends and Enemies

Thursday, February 7, 2013 Mobility/Warm up:DROMBanded shoulder distraction, 1 minute perLat activationsPosterior chain floss, 1 minute per Strength: EMOTM for 10 minutes: (Alternate movements each minute): 2 Push Press –


Tuesday, February 5, 2013 Mobility/Warm-up: 5-10 minutes Double Under practice10 SquatsPosterior flossing w/bandGristle/GroinersSuper rack10 Good mornings Classic Strength: Spend 15 minutes and establish a 3 RM High Bar Back Squat

Challenges to come

Monday, February 4, 2013 Weekly Programming Links:  Group Class, BBG, Gymnastics Mobility: Foam Roll Legs and LatsKeg DrillAssisted Bottom of the Squat Group Warmup: 10 Overhead Squats with Barbell50ft Bear

13.1 Mile Saturday Run Club – Beach Side Run through MDR/Venice/Samo

Half Marathon! 13.1 Miles – Easy Tempo Training run We will start at the PCF Venice gym and head to the boardwalk and run south to MDR and back (~5

Sunday Funday!

Sunday, February 3, 2013 Reminder!  Farmbox Delivery tomorrow betweeen 10 and noon! Kettlebell Class TODAY- 10am in Venice! Mobility/Warm-up: Jog 400 or Row 500Hip extension with bandSuper rackLat activations +

The Happiest Race on Earth, Part 2

Friday February 1, 2013 Bring a Friend (or Enemy) Day Tomorrow! Mobility: Keg DrillOverhead Band DistractionPVC DislocatesAssisted Bottom of the SquatPigs On Ice SkatesOver and Under Fence Group Warmup: Review