Tuesday October 25th 2016
Every 90 seconds for 18 minutes:10 Hips to Bar 5+ Bar Muscle Ups30 Hollow Rocks PANIC BREATHINGPartner workoutRow 500 Row 400 Row 300 Row 200Row 100
Monday October 24th 2016
Back Squat 1×10 5 Rounds 5 Unbroken Pull-ups 10 Unbroken Deadlifts15 Unbroken Wallballs
Sunday, October 23rd 2016
AMRAP 355 Pull-ups10 Push-ups15 Air Squats20 Pulls on the Rower Score is Calories Rowed
Saturday, October 22nd 2016
Partner WOD Grace30 Rope Climbs300 Wall Balls