Tuesday, November 1st 2016
E90 for 18 minutes: ME Handstand WalkME Strict HSPU30 Hollow Rocks 3 Rounds30 Double Unders 20 Bar Facing Burpees15 Wall Balls 10 Power SnatchesRest 90 Seconds
Monday October 31st 2016
10 Rep Back Squat 13 Rounds 6 UB Hang Cleans6 UB Thrusters6 UB Toes to Bar
Sunday October 30th 2016
EVA5 Rounds 800M run 30 KB Swings 30 Pull-Ups
Saturday October 29th 2016
Partner workout 10 Rounds 5 Burpees 1 Rope Climb 100 Meter Sprint
Friday October 28th 2016
Deadlift ME 60% Strict Behind the Neck Press 4X7 27-21-15Back SquatsHandstand push-ups
Thursday October 27th 2016
4 Rounds400M Run 12 Thrusters25 Bowtie Abmat Sit-Ups 12 Jumping Barbell Squats 400M Sandbag Run
Wednesday October 26th 2016
Handstand Walking Practice EMOM 30Double-UndersBurpee Box Jump-Overs Push Press