Thursday, May 28, 2015

Thursday, May 28th Contact us to reserve your spot for the next PCFU semester of classes starting at the end of this week! FightFit tonight at 7:30pm at MDR! Prehab

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Contact us to reserve your spot for the next PCFU semester of classes starting at the end of this week FightFit now every Thursday night at 7:30pm at MDR Suver

May 26

Tuesday, May 26, 2015 Contact us to reserve your spot for the next PCFU semester of classes starting at the end of this week! Prehab Foam Roll Legs, Lats and

Memorial Day Murph on the Beach/Bring a friend day

Bring your friends for a little Memorial Day sweat session! Meet at the Venice gym and run to the Beach for some pull ups/push ups/squats in the sun. Guaranteed good

Memorial Day Murph

Monday, May 25, 2015 Class will only be at 10am at Venice today! Today we will be performing a traditional CrossFit workout called “Murph” in honor of all of those men

California Super Regionals!

When: Friday 5/22 – Sunday 5/24 It’s almost time to go down to the Dal Mar Fairgrounds to cheer on our own *LG Thunder* as she competes alongside 39 fittest women

May 20

Wednesday, May 20, 2015 Regionals and Memorial Day Weekend coming up! Be sure to check Wodify for schedule changes. Signup for the Summer Weightlifting meet by the end of the

May 19

May 19, 2015 Regionals and Memorial Day Weekend coming up! Be sure to check Wodify for schedule changes. Signup for the Summer Weightlifting meet by tomorrow.  Cost is free for

May 18

Monday, May 18, 2015 Regionals and Memorial Day Weekend coming up! Be sure to check Wodify for schedule changes. Signup for the Summer Weightlifting meet by this Wednesday! Memorial Day

Joshua Tree Camping/Climbing Trip

It is hard to believe, but it is time for our 7th PCF Joshua Tree camping/climbing trip! Many of you have been with us several times and you really can’t