CrossFit is an exciting and sometimes overwhelming experience.  There is a lot to learn, not just about the 200+ movements we perform, but about yourself and how the community functions.  Paradiso CrossFit is designed to help any athlete achieve their long term goals, but you have to put in the work.  If you follow the guidelines below, listen to your coaches, keep showing up, ask questions and trust the program, we guarantee your success!


  • Get to know the coaches, schedule and services – We offer specialty classes and services that are all based on member feedback to help you accomplish your goals.  This includes specialty class times, nutrition support, physical therapy and outside of the gym activities.
  • Log your workout results in Wodify daily – Wodify has a great capability of tracking your progress. It is very encouraging to be able to look back and see how much you’ve improved!
  • Arrive at least 10 minutes early to meet the coach, ask questions, watch videos and physically prepare for class.
  • Follow the Everything is Everything (EIE) Guide – Your long term health and athletic development includes a lot more than just showing up to the gym:  Nutrition is the big one, but also, mobility, sleep (recovery), dealing with injury and lifestyle.  Twice a month we offer an EIE intro class for new members and a support class for current members.  If you are not accomplishing your goals, we want to sit down with you!
  • Mechanics, Consistency then Intensity – The prescription for long term success!  Know that our program is designed for athletes that have been doing this for years, so all new athletes are expected to scale almost every workout.  Your number one priority and key to long term success is developing quality movement patterns.  This matters in every aspect of class:
  • Prehab – learn your limitations and how to perform basic maintenance on your body.  See our in house physical therapist or check out our online resource and develop a personal routine that is specific for you.  This is one of the most important parts of class!
  • Warmup – Class will start right on time, so make sure you have arrived early and prepared yourself.  Every part of the warmup has a purpose, so be sure to perform the movements with purpose!  Always ask a coach if you are curious why we are performing something.
  • Strength –  Arguably the most important part of class!  You should view this as skill work until you can perform the movement with proficiency.  Don’t rush to the more advanced movements or weights!  There may even be some movements that you cannot perform in the short term due to mobility or strength limitations.  That is ok and totally normal!  Be sure to pay attention to these things, work in additional prehab/cool down work to address these issues and when you see that movement in class you can substitute another movement.
  • Conditioning – These workouts may be high intensity, but they are also about quality movement!  This is about scaling to make the workout meet your individual needs.  This can include substituting advanced movements for more basic movements and adjusting the weights, reps, rounds or time of the workout.  When in doubt, scale down to move better and faster or ask an instructor.
  • Cool Down –  Just like your prehab, this might mean staying after class, but this is the perfect time to work on those movement limitations and improve recovery for continual high intensity training.


  •  Join one or both of our Facebook groups
    • Gym Members n Friends – where we post reminders of upcoming events inside and outside the gym, post videos, and share general information
    • Everything is Everything Challengers – originally created as a support group for a Nutrition Challenge, this group is more specific to asking and answering questions based on Nutrition and lifestyle


  • Utilize the Specialty Classes and Open Gym policy – These classes are designed for any skill level to help people with specific needs, weaknesses or goals:
    • Venice Barbell Club – Improve your Olympic Lifts.  This can be a stand along program or supplemental to CrossFit group class
    • Paradiso Gymnastics – A separate gymnastics program.  This class focuses on elements seen in group class and other gymnastic specific elements.
    • Open Gym – There are always coaches around to help.  Working on your own is an important skill to develop and tool for accomplishing your specific goals.  We offer designated open gym times, but as long as you are respectful to the class and equipment, we allow you to train on your own at any time.
    • Beach – Every Saturday at 11:30 at Venice, get outside and get some Vitamin D
    • Swim – Located at the Culver City Plunge every Thursday night, we have two lanes reserved to perform basic drills and interval training.


Always feel free to contact us at if you have any questions!