Testing Week 2/Cycle 3 2017-2018 season.  Thanksgiving Week! Look for a modified schedule on the website. Thursday and Friday will be bring a friend days.


Scaling Options for Class:

L1- A beginner CrossFitter, those that are looking for more cardio based fitness, or someone just returning after a long break. This programming is designed to keep up the intensity during the workout while maintaining consistent movement and proper mechanics.

L2- 50% of CrossFit athletes. L2 Athletes have an understanding of all the foundational movements of CrossFit, how to scale them, and are working towards adding load, increasing mobility or increasing their gymnastics skill base.

Rx- A CrossFit Athlete who understands the foundational movements of CrossFit, moves with proper mechanics while under load, and can do 90% of programmed workouts without scaling.

Competition (Rx+) For the Competitive CrossFitter or those looking to compete in the sport of CrossFit. This person can regularly move with high intensity, proper mechanics, and consistency through all programmed workouts.


Monday November 20th 2017


“12 Days of Chelsea”

1 Muscle Up*

200 Meter Run

3 Deadlifts

4 Burpees

5 Handstand Push-Ups

6 Pistols alt

7 Grasshoppers l/r =1

8 Box Jumps

9 Toes to Bar

10 KB Swings

11 Bar Muscle Ups

12 Walk Walks/120 foot Handstand Walk


“12 Days of Chelsea” is written for Coach Chelsea Mckinney! Chelsea has been a coach and athlete at Paradiso since 2015. Chelsea is a CrossFit regionals and Games athlete and has represented PCF at two California Regionals. Chelsea is our head gymnastics coach and is alway working hard at advancing her craft. If we had a superlative contest Chelsea would definitely win best dressed ;). Join me in thanking Chels for being such a great coach and important part of our team!


Notes: 45 minute time cap. Line up deadlift bars so there is space for handstand walkers.

“12 Days of Chelsea” is to be performed in the format of the song “The 12 Days of Christmas.”

1, 2/1, 3/2/1, 4/3/2/1, 5/4/3/2/1 and so on.  

L1: 1 Pull-Up (banded as needed) 75/55 or 12/8kg, KB suitcase DL, Push-Ups, Air squats, 12/8”, v-ups, 12/8kg, Ring Rows, 60 Shoulder taps in plank

L2: 1 Chest to bar, 135/95, Piked or box HSPU, scaled pistols, 20/12”, Knee Raises, jumping/banded Bar MU, 12 Wall Walks

Rx: Kipping MU, 225/155, 24/20”

Rx+: Strict MU, 275/185, 24/20”, 120 foot handstand walk


Tuesday November 21st 2017



  1. 20 minutes to find a 1RM Front Squat


  1. 5 Minute Amrap: Snatches (full)


Notes: L1: DB snatches 20/15

L2: 75/55

Rx: 135/95




2K Row for time


Wednesday November 22nd 2017


15 minutes to:

Find a 1RM Turkish Get Up


Gymnastics strength:

Find a max effort set of Pull-ups

Find a max effort set of Handstand Push-Ups


Notes: L1: Ring Rows/Push-Ups

L2: banded pull-ups, piked or abmats HSPU

Rx+: Strict HSPU’s




Power Cleans

Toes to Bar  


Notes: L1: 15/10 db’s, V-ups

L2: 75/55, knee raises

Rx: 135/95

Rx+: 165/115


Thursday November 23rd 2017

Thanksgiving Day Bring a Friend!



Partner Running Cindy:

35 minute AMRAP of:

5 Pull-Ups

10 Push-Ups

15 Air Squats

Run 100 meters


L1: Ring Row, banded or knee push-ups

L2: Banded Pull-Ups

Rx+: Chest to Bar


Friday November 24th 2017

Bring  A Friend Day!


Partner Conditioning:

12 Rounds total of:

15 Wall Balls

15 KB Swings

10 Burpee Box Jump Overs



150/100 Cals for time (divide up however)



L1: 10/8, 12/8kg, 12/8”, 15/10 cals

L2: 14/10, 16/12kg, 20/12”

Rx: 20/14, 24/16kg, 24/20”


Saturday November 16th 2017  



15 minutes to: Find a 1RM Power Clean



Every 4 minutes for 24 minutes
From 0:00-3:00 Run 400 meters + ME Thrusters
Rest 3:00-4:00

Notes: Score is total thrusters
       L1: 45/35 or 15/10 DB’s

       L2: 75/55
       Rx: 95/65        
       Rx+: 115/75


Sunday November 25th 2017



“Lumberjack 20”

20 Deadlifts (275lbs)

Run 400m

20 KB swings (2pood)

Run 400m

20 Overhead Squats (115lbs)

Run 400m

20 Burpees

Run 400m

20 Pullups (Chest to Bar)

Run 400m

20 Box jumps (24")

Run 400m

20 DB Squat Cleans (45lbs each)

Run 400m


Notes: 40 minute time cap share equipment in busy classes goal is everything unbroken.

L1: 12/8kg KB suitcase deadlifts,  12/8kg, DB front squats or bb 43/35, ring rows, 12/8”, 15/10

L2: 135/95, 16/12kg, 75/55 oh squats, banded chest to bar, 20/12”, 25/20

Rx: 275/185, 32/24kg, 115/75, 24/20”, 45/35