Week 4
Cycle 1 2017-2018 Season
Scaling Options for Class:
L1- A beginner CrossFitter, those that are looking for more cardio based fitness, or someone just returning after a long break. This programming is designed to keep up the intensity during the workout while maintaining consistent movement and proper mechanics.
L2- 50% of CrossFit athletes. L2 Athletes have an understanding of all the foundational movements of CrossFit, how to scale them, and are working towards adding load, increasing mobility or increasing their gymnastics skill base.
Rx- A CrossFit Athlete who understands the foundational movements of CrossFit, moves with proper mechanics while under load, and can do 90% of programmed workouts without scaling.
Competition (Rx+) For the Competitive CrossFitter or those looking to compete in the sport of CrossFit. This person can regularly move with high intensity, proper mechanics, and consistency through all programmed workouts.
Monday May 8th 2017
Rotating for 21 minutes:
Minute 1: Hips to RIngs
Minute 2: Dips
Minute 3: Pull-Ups
Notes: Same as last week. Try to do more reps, or work on quality!
L1: 5-10 hips to rings on the ground, 5-10 Dips using boxes/bench or bands, Strict
Banded Pull-ups or Ring Rows.
L2: 5-10 Ring Rows Elevated Feet, 5-10 Banded Dips, Chest to Bar Banded Pull-Ups
Rx: 5 Hips to Rings, 5-10 Dips, 5 Ring Pull-Ups (Chest to Ring, 1 second pause at top)
Rx+: 5 Hips to Rings, 5 Tempo Dips 52X1, 5 Tempo Ring PU 31X3
50-40-30-20-10 reps for time of:
Box jumps
L1: 10/8, 12/8”
L2: 14/10, 20/12”
Rx: 20/14, 24/20”
Rx+: 30/20, 30/24”
Tuesday May 9th 2017
Box Squatting
Every 2 minutes for 18 minutes do 5 box squats building (last week of this, go up in weight)
15 minute AMRAP:
10 Handstand Push-Ups
10 Power Snatches
10 Cal Row
Notes: L1: Seated press, DB Snatch 15/10 single arm (double the reps)
L2: Piked or raised on a bench, empty barbell from the hang (do not drop)
Rx: kipping, 95/65
Rx+: Strict, 115/75
Wednesday May 10th 2017
Spend 15 minutes moving through alternating sets of:
A) 4XME Strict Press @70% of 1RM
B) 4X8 each side DB Rows (off bench)
For time:
15 push presses
5 rope ascents
12 push presses
4 rope ascents
9 push presses
3 rope ascents
6 push presses
2 rope ascents
3 push presses
1 rope ascent
Notes: L1: DB 15/10, Rope lower
L2: 75/55, Climb as high as possible
Rx: 115/75
Rx+: 135/95
Thursday May 11th 2017
For Time:
5 Rounds
Run 800 meters
10 Toes to Bar
20 Burpee Box Jumps
30 Jumping Lunges
Notes: 45 minute time cap.
L1: v-ups, 12/8”
L2: 20/12”
Rx: 24/20”
Friday May 12th 2017
Spend 20 minutes alternating between:
A) 5X5 Tempo Overhead Squats 55X1
B) 5X3 Snatch Pulls @80-100% of your 1RM Snatch
Notes: Tempo is 5 seconds down, 5 second pause at the bottom, explode up, 1 second pause before starting your next rep. Use straps if you have them for pulls.
50 Back Squats
5 Rounds:
5 Muscle Ups
250 Meter Row
15 KB Swings
Notes: L1: Air Squats or empty barbell, 12/8kg
L2: 75/55, 16/12kg
Rx: 135/95, 24/16kg
Rx+:185/135, 32/24kg
Saturday May 13th 2017
Spend 15 minutes working up to a 1RM Power Clean
In teams of two:
25 minute amrap of:
5 Pull-ups
10 Wall Balls
100 Meter Sandbag Run
Notes: Your partner completes a full round before you begin, alternate rounds for 20 minutes. Try to make each round a sprint. Burpees onto a 25lb plate
L1: Ring Rows, 10/6, 30 or no sandbag
L2: Banded, 14/10, 50/30
Rx: 20/14, 70/50
Rx+: Chest to Bar, 30/20, 90/70
Sunday May 14th 2017
5 Rounds:
Run 800 Meters
3 Rounds of
10 Push-Ups
20 Sit-ups
25 Double Unders
15 Power Clean and Jerks
Notes: 45 minute time cap.
L1: Knee or banded push-ups, 10 sit-ups, 25 single unders, DB 15/10
L2: 25 double under attempts, 75/55
Rx: 115/75
Rx+: 155/105
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