Week 6 of Open Prep! This cycle will bring us to the 2018 CrossFit Open. Whatever your goal is you should look forward to getting really fit over the next 12 weeks :).


Monday: Gymnastics Strength rotating weekly, written by Coach Chelsea, Conditioning Prep

Tuesday: Barbell Complex with a one round sprint/into a multi round conditioning

Wednesday: Squats + 30 Minute EMOM- rotating through 4 week cycles

Thursday:  Long Conditioning

Friday: Workout Focusing on the gymnastics movement trained on Monday

Saturday: Deadlift work and or squatting + Partner Conditioning

Sunday: Long Conditioning


Scaling Options for Class:

L1- A beginner CrossFitter, those that are looking for more cardio based fitness, or someone just returning after a long break. This programming is designed to keep up the intensity during the workout while maintaining consistent movement and proper mechanics.

L2- 50% of CrossFit athletes. L2 Athletes have an understanding of all the foundational movements of CrossFit, how to scale them, and are working towards adding load, increasing mobility or increasing their gymnastics skill base.

Rx- A CrossFit Athlete who understands the foundational movements of CrossFit, moves with proper mechanics while under load, and can do 90% of programmed workouts without scaling.

Competition (Rx+) For the Competitive CrossFitter or those looking to compete in the sport of CrossFit. This person can regularly move with high intensity, proper mechanics, and consistency through all programmed workouts.


Monday January 1st 2018  

Bring A Friend or Family Day!



For Time:

Run 800 Meters


5 Rounds:

25 Air Squats

25 KB Swings

25 Burpees

25 Sit-Ups  


Run 800 Meters


Notes: L1: 15 reps of each per round 12/8kg

L2: 16/12kg

Rx: Goblet Squats, 24/16kg


Tuesday January 2nd 2018


Gymnastics Strength:

1x Max effort T2B

-Rest as needed-



3x 70% of max

-Rest 2 mins between sets-

*20 sec partner pike stretch between sets



L1: hanging knee raises or toes to rings

L2: kipping straight leg raises as high as possible

Rx: as written



10 Rounds for time:

15 Wall Balls

10 Chest to Bar


Notes: 16 minute time cap

L1: 10/8, Ring Rows

L2: 14/10, Banded OR Jumping chest to bar

Rx: 20/14


Wednesday January 3rd 2018



Front Squat:

Every two minutes for 10 minutes: 5 reps, across  


Notes: Choose a challenging weight that you can attempt to hit for each set of five  



30 minute EMOM:

Min 1: Double Unders + Thrusters

Min 2: Bar Facing Burpees

Min 3: Cal Row


Notes:  L1: 25 singles, 15/10 or 45/35 7, 6, 10/8

L2: 25 attempts + 7 Thrusters 75/55, 8, 10/8

Rx: 25 + 7 Thrusters 95/65, 10, 12/10

Rx+: 35 Double Unders + 9 Thrusters 95/65, 12, 15/12


Thursday January 4th 2018


3 Rounds

15 Evil Wheels

10 Single Leg Deadlifts a side

100 Meter Farmer’s Carry AHAP



7 Rounds for time:

400 meter run

15 Push-Ups


Notes: 25 minute time cap

L1: Knee or banded Push-ups

L2: Push-Ups

Rx: 10 Handstand Push-Ups per round

Rx+: Handstand Push-Ups


Friday January 5th 2018



21-15-9 Shoulder to Overhead



Last week of this. Record both weight and time.  

L1 athletes, or athletes with poor mobility use DB’s.

Rest two minutes between rounds



4 rounds for time:

500m row

20 T2B

10 Power Cleans



L1: DB power cleans 25/15

L2: 95/65

Rx: 155/105

Rx+: 185/135


Saturday January 6th 2018



3X10 Deadlifts, AHAP Rest 2 minutes between sets all sets are the same weight.



Partner Conditioning:

In teams of two, complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 25 minutes of:


30/20 Cal Row

30 Box Jumps

30 Wall Balls


Team members will alternate tasks, with only one member working at any one time. Thus, Partner A will row 30 cals, Partner B will perform 30 Box Jumps, Partner A will perform 30 Wall Ball Shots, and Partner B will row 30 cals – and so on for 30 minutes.



L1: 12/8”, 10/8

L2: 20/12”, 14/10

Rx: 24/20”, 20/14


Sunday January 7th 2018



40 minute AMRAP:

10 Burpees

20 DB Thrusters

30 Grasshoppers  L/R=1

40 Double Unders

400 Meter Run



L1: 15/10, 80 single unders

L2: 20/15

Rx: 35/25

Rx+: 45/35

Click here for Programming from the week of December 25th 2017