Testing Week 1!  Look for some new testing workouts specific to PCF :). Including this week’s spotlight of Coach Jackie! Please try to come in as many days as possible this week and record your data! We will have two weeks of testing before the start of the next cycle. Classes will have less work to accomplish which should allow you to have high intensity for the strength and conditioning portions in each class!


As always, scaling Options for Class:

L1- A beginner CrossFitter, those that are looking for more cardio based fitness, or someone just returning after a long break. This programming is designed to keep up the intensity during the workout while maintaining consistent movement and proper mechanics.

L2- 50% of CrossFit athletes. L2 Athletes have an understanding of all the foundational movements of CrossFit, how to scale them, and are working towards adding load, increasing mobility or increasing their gymnastics skill base.

Rx- A CrossFit Athlete who understands the foundational movements of CrossFit, moves with proper mechanics while under load, and can do 90% of programmed workouts without scaling.

Competition (Rx+) For the Competitive CrossFitter or those looking to compete in the sport of CrossFit. This person can regularly move with high intensity, proper mechanics, and consistency through all programmed workouts.


Monday August 14th 2017



20 Minutes to find a 1 Rep Max Back Squat


Notes: Recommendation to build up to your 1RM: 5 Reps @65%, 5 Reps @75%, 3 Reps@85%, 2 Reps @90%,1 Rep @95%, do a “walk out” with 110% of your previous 1RM and then take 3 max attempts at most.




400 meter run

21 KB Swings

12 Pull-Ups


Notes: 15 minute time cap.

L1: 12/8kg, Ring Rows

L2: 16/12kg, banded pull-ups

Rx: 24/16kg


Tuesday August 15th 2017



5 Minute max effort rope climb


Notes: As many rope climbs as possible in five minutes.

L1: rope lowers

Rx+ Legless




Buy-in: 200 Meter Walking Lunge holding DB’s


5 Rounds

25 Wall Balls

25 Abmat Sit-Ups

Buy-out: 200 Meter Walking Lunge holding DB’s


First in a series of Coaches workout! “Jaxx” is dedicated to coach Jackie Tadych. Jackie has been a beloved coach at Paradiso CrossFit since 2011. She is known for her dedication and care to the athletes in her classes and positive attitude.  Jackie is a go to favorite in private coaching; helping athletes from the newbie to the rehab client, the seasoned veteran to those in need of nutritional advice. Jackie’s supportive attitude, work ethic, and her own “ab” and “cake” work is inspiring :).  You can find her often at the local stairs or adding lunges into every workout. Thank you for all you do Jackie! If you see Jackie today give her your appreciation and make sure not to disappoint her on the lunges!


Notes: L1: unweighted lunges, 10/8

L2: 25/15, 14/10

Rx: 35/25, 20/14


“Jaxx” Accessory

3 Rounds alt

20 alt bicep curls (standing)

1 Minute Plank


Wednesday August 16th 2017


20 minutes to find a 1RM Deadlift


Notes: for those with mobility issues please pull from blocks or plates.






Handstand Push-Ups


Notes: 15 minute time cap

L1: DB/KB Suitcase Deadlifts 12/8kg, or BB 75/55, Seated Press or Push-Ups

L2: 135/95, Piked HSPU’s

Rx: 225/155


Thursday August 16th 2017


20 minutes to find:

1RM Jerk



Master’s Games Workout

“Bar Fight”

50 chest-to-bar pull-ups

40 toes-to-bars

30 clean and jerks


Notes: Master’s Top Times: female 8:57, Male: 8:23

L1: Ring Rows, V-Ups, DB 15/10

L2: Banded Pull-Ups, Knee Raises, 75/55

Rx: 135/95

Rx+: 205/145


Friday August 17th 2017



20 Minutes to find: 1RM Power Snatch



On a running clock


800 meter run time trial


100 Double Unders or 300 Single Unders for time

At 14:00

500 meter Row time trial


Saturday August 18th 2017


7 rounds for time of:

15 Power cleans

15 Push-Ups

15 Box jumps


Notes: Conga Line Style, you must wait for the person in front of you to finish a movement before you may begin the next movement

L1: 15/10, 12/8”

L2: 75/55, 20/12”

Rx: 95/65, 24/20”


Sunday August 19th 2017




21 Turkish get-ups, Right arm

50 Swings

21 Overhead squats, Left arm

50 Swings

21 Overhead squats, Right arm

50 Swings

21 Turkish get-ups, Left arm


Notes: You may only use one KB.  

L1: DB 15/10, 12/8kg (Level one athletes will use both a DB and a KB)

L2: 16/12kg

Rx: 24/16kg