Week 6! This cycle will focus on building a base for the CrossFit Open, for those unfamiliar with the Open,  you can call this an endurance cycle.

For the entirety of this cycle we will be following this pattern:
On Mondays we will Squat 10/5/3 and work on unbroken movement
On Tuesdays we will focus on gymnastic skills
On Wednesdays we will have long emoms (with an emphasis on one skill)
On Thursdays we will have long “Sunday” workouts
On Fridays we will deadlift
On Saturdays we will workout with a partner
On Sundays as always, we will do a long workout.

As always, scaling Options for Class:
L1- A beginner CrossFitter, those that are looking for more cardio based fitness, or someone just returning after a long break. This programming is designed to keep up the intensity during the workout while maintaining consistent movement and proper mechanics.
L2- 50% of CrossFit athletes. L2 Athletes have an understanding of all the foundational movements of CrossFit, how to scale them, and are working towards adding load, increasing mobility or increasing their gymnastics skill base.
Rx- A CrossFit Athlete who understands the foundational movements of CrossFit, moves with proper mechanics while under load, and can do 90% of programmed workouts without scaling.
Competition (Rx+) For the Competitive CrossFitter or those looking to compete in the sport of CrossFit. This person can regularly move with high intensity, proper mechanics, and consistency through all programmed workouts.
Monday November 28th 2016
5 Rep Back Squat   
Notes: Last week of 5’s, go heavier than last week. Ascend each set.

5 Rounds for time:
Air Squats  
Power Cleans

Notes: 18 min time cap. This week, if you miss a rep start just that movement over.
          L1:  25, 10 Jumping Chest to Bar, or Ring Rows for the very new, DB 15/10 or 45/35
          L2: 35, 10 Banded Chest to Bar or Jumping Chest to Bar, 10 Power Cleans 95/65
          Rx: 40, 20/14, 10 Chest to Bar,  10 Power Cleans 135/95
          Rx+: 50, 12 Chest to Bar, 10 Power Cleans 155/105
Tuesday November 29th 2016
Every 90 seconds for 18 minutes: (4 rounds)
Min 1: Handstand walk ME/ Use a partner to go further if you can’t walk more than ten
feet/use obstacles if you are proficient at HS walking  
Min 2: 10-15 Ring Push-Ups on the low rings
Min 3: 30 Hollow Rocks

Notes:  L1: Plank shoulder taps for 45 seconds, push-ups
L2: Shoulder taps against the wall for 45 seconds
AMRAP in 15 minutes:
10 Overhead Squats
15 Box Jumps

L1: Front Squats 45/35
L2: 75/55
Rx: 95/65
Rx+: 135/95

Wednesday November 30th 2016
Every minute, on the minute, for 30 minutes:
Minute 1 – Row
Minute 2 – Deadlift
Minute 3 – Burpees onto a plate

Notes: L1: 10/8, 10 75/55, 8
L2: 12/10, 10 115/75, 10
Rx: 15/12, 10 10 225/155, 15
Rx+: 20/15, 10 275/185, 18
Thursday December 1st  2016
For time:
50 wall balls
50 pull-ups
400-meter run
21 thrusters
800-meter run
21 thrusters
400-meter run
50 pull-ups
50 wall balls

Notes: L1: 12/10, DB 15/10
L2: 14/10, 65/45
Rx: 20/14, 95/65
Rx+: 30/20, 135/95

Friday December 2nd 2016

2X5@60%, 5@65%, Max effort set at 70% Record max effort set  

Strict Behind the Neck Press or DB Press
4X8, ascend each round

3 Rounds:
10 Handstand Push-Ups
20 Hang Squat Cleans
3 Rope Climbs

Notes: L1: Push-Ups, DB 15/10, or 45/35 5 Ring Rows    per Climb
L2: Piked HSPU on box or bench,95/65, Rope        Lowers
Rx: 35/25, 135/95
Rx+: Strict, 185/135

Saturday December 3rd 2016
Running DT with a partner:
10 Rounds:
Run 400 Meters
1 Round of “DT”

Notes: 45 minute time cap.
DT involves 12 Deadlifts, 9 Hang Cleans and 6 Push Press
L1: DB 15/10 or 45/35 (load light barbells so you can pull from the ground)
L2: 75/55
Rx: 155/105
Rx+ Ascend each round: 155/105, 175/115, 195/125, 215/135, 235/155

Sunday December 4th 2016
Complete as many rounds as possible in 40 minutes of:
25 Abmat SIt-Ups
50 double-unders or 150 single Unders
100-meter walking lunge
Notes: Rx+: GHD sit-ups

Click Here for Programming From the Week of November 21st