Sunday, August 14, 2016

Screen shot 2016-08-10 at 7.01.56 AM


Foam Roll Quads
20 Groiners
20 Scapular Retractions in ring row position
Plan hold 1 min


Coach’s Choice Warm Up
Warm up Technique for Strength Work


2k Row

8 minute Rest


For time:
100 pull-ups
100 push-ups
100 sit-ups
100 squats

Notes: 25 minute time cap. This is a board workout so use good standards.

Expect coaches to no-rep you if you are going for Rx. Cut the pull-up volume down if you are new to CrossFit
L1: Ring Rows, Knee or banded push-ups
L2: Banded Pull-Ups
Rx: Chin over bar, chest to deck and good lock out, touch behind your head and over your feet, below parallel..

Cool Down

Walk 200m

Foam Roll and Stretch where you are tight

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