Sunday, September 13, 2015

The PCF World Championship vent details will be emailed out today!  Check it out and be sure to sign up to support your gym.

One event that is already out is the Triathlon.  There are still only 5 athletes signed up for each location, 3 men and 2 women at each.

 We have room for 6 men and 6 women from each gym!  Signup HERE if you are interested and we will send you more details.

Each year at the PCFWC we have offered up an endurance event.  These brave athletes tackled the half marathon row in our first year!


Cat Stretch x :60
German Stretch x :60
Foam Roll Legs x 3 minutes


2 minute Row, moderate
5 Inchworms
Choices Choice Hip Mobility
1 minute Row, faster
10 Burpees
10 Strict Pullups or Ring Rows
10 Wall Squats


5 Rounds, 1 min each station:
100′ Shuttle Run
Goblet Squat
Russian KB Swing

After the five rounds, minute to transition to:

10 min AMRAP
10 Wall Ball
6 Strict Chin-Ups
10 Cal Row

Notes:  For the first section, focus on continual movement, so don’t go out too fast!  The Shuttle run is 50′ each direction, touch the ground with both hands for a good rep.  RX weight is 55/30 for the Goblet Squats and KB Swings. The weight for the wall balls is 20/14.  Scale to ring rows if you cannot perform the chinups.

Cool Down

Couch Stretch x :60
Wall Extensions, 2×10
Weighted Side Stretches x 10

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