May 22

Friday, May 22, 2015

Due to the CrossFit Games California Regionals most of our coaches will be in del Mar supporting LG!   The gym will still be open, but certain hours are Open Gym format.

 Be sure to check Wodify in advance.


Keg drill, 2 minutes
Monster walks, 10 each direction
10 Scapula Push ups
10 Diamond Push ups
Downdog ankle stretch, 20x


Jog or Row 400 meters
5 Inchworms
10 Good mornings
5 Hang Power Snatch
5 Overhead Squats
5 Power Snatch

Cool down:

2 rounds:
25 Sit ups
:30 second Plank hold
:30 second Arch hold


Power Snatch: 6 rounds AMRAP as many Power snatches in 30 secs. Rest 90 secs between sets

Notes: Please pick a weight where you can try and go unbroken on all 6 rounds. Remember to focus on good form and technique. Try not to pull bar from floor with you arms.  New athletes should perform a Hang Muscle Snatch.


6 Rounds
5 Hang Squat Snatch
5 Ring Dips
5 Burpees

Notes:  The prescribed weight is (115/75 lbs). Please scale back if need be. Remember each rep of the Hang squat snatch starts in the hang position.

Please make sure you stand all the way up before moving on to the next rep.  If you cannot perform a ring dip a box dip with dumbbells maybe used.  Fitness weight is (75/55lbs) please do not drop 55 lbs from the overhead position. If you can not perform a Hang Squat Snatch safely, complete a hang power snatch.

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