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Friday, November 29, 2013

Limited Schedule and Bring a Friend or Family Day AGAIN!  If you bring anyone, be sure to read the notes below, show up early to sign paperwork and maybe even practice at home in advance:)

Warm Up:

3 Rounds of:

200 meter Run
10 Air Squats
5 Burpees


4 Rounds:
5 Weighted Back Extension – heaviest possible
3 Front Squats @ 70%

Member Notes:  Alternate between the two exercises, attempting to rest exactly 60 seconds for all 4 rounds. Use a db or plate held at your chest for the Back extensions.  If you do not know your 1RM front squat, just work up to your heaviest weight.

Friends and Family Notes:  Partner up with whoever brought you and do not add weight on the back extensions and keep the weight extremely light for the front squats.  Use this as an opportunity to learn how to squat for the workout and get your hips warmed up.

Partner Conditioning

Partner 1: Rows 500 meters
75 Burpees
Partner 2: Runs 400 meters
75 Box Jumps, or Step Ups
Partner 1: Runs 400 Meters
75 Push Press 75/55#
Partner 2: Rows 500 Meters
75 Goblet Squats 53/35#

30 minute cut-off

Member Notes:  While one partner is rowing or running, the other is resting.  For the other movements, only one partner is working at a time.  The workload does not need to be split evenly and if you are with a newbie, we expect you to take more of the workload.   Try to pair up with someone that is of a similar ability (this will not be possible if you have a friend or family).  For the goblet squats, the only standards are to have both handst on the handle with the handle pointing towards the ceiling.

Friends and Family Notes:  Keep the weight very light and focus on quality movement more than anything.   Take breaks when you need and listen to the coaches and your partner to help you through the workout.

Cool Down:

50 Abmat Sit Ups
20 PVC Dislocates
Couch Stretch- 2 min


Your stomach is full of turkey, cranberries and pie?  How are you going to motivate yourself to get out of bed?  

Press Play.  

Rise & Shine.

Welcome to the Grind.

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