Save your knees. Strengthen your hips.

Remember to check the schedule for changes this weekend!


Try attending a Base Camp class with Zeb at Venice! 

Venice Barbell Club is at MDR all weekend!

Saturday, June 14, 2013

Warm up/mobility

2 Rounds:
Monster walk, 10 steps each direction
10 Good Mornings with Barbell
T-spine smash, 30 seconds
Reverse snow angels, 1o reps with 2.5lb plates

Classic Strength:

Spend 15 minutes and build up to a  3RM Deadlift.

Notes:  Focus on set up off the ground.  If you are unable to get into good lumbar position, elevate the barbell off the floor a few inches.

Advanced Strength:

7X3 Banded Deadlifts @ 60% Bar Weight  – rest exactly 60 seconds

Notes:  Remember this is a speed drill!  Focus on pulling aggressively and fast!  These are NOT touch and go reps.


“DUs and DT”
5 rounds for time of:
35 Double Unders
12 Deadlifts (155/105/75)
9 Hang Power Clean
6 Push Jerk
-15 minute cap

Notes: Use one barbell weight for all three movements.  The time cap is fast, so scale to a weight that allows for at least one full round unbroken.

  The deadlift should feel light!

  Ideally this is performed with a push jerk, but perform a split jerk or push press if shoulder mobility does not allow for quality position.

Cool down/summer six packs:

2 rounds, 20 reps each
Dead bugs (keep back flat on ground through entire movement!)
Side plank with leg raises
Posterior chain flossing

Troy and Rene Hollowing out!

With so many runners participating in the 5K today, I wanted to discuss how to protect your knees from injury. One of the most common injuries that I see with runners is knee pain, and it comes from the fact that runners only train in a very linear motion. They tend to have very strong quads, hamstrings, calves but lack the muscles responsible for rotation and any lateral movements including the gluteus medius and minimus. These two muscles are very important because they are most responsible for keeping the knee in proper alignment during running, especially as the mileage adds up. To speak about their function as simply as possible, in a non-weightbearing position they are responsible for hip abduction with slight external rotation (Kicking your leg to the side with slight rotation of out wards  of the toe). But, in a weight-bearing position such as running, they help prevent the knee from falling in (dynamic genu valgus) which helps keep the knee functioning in proper alignment and prevents excessive wear and tear. Common signs and symptoms of week gluteus medius – minimus is IT band friction syndrome, medial knee pain, and patellofemoral pain.

The good news is that many times this can be a simple fix, because strengthening these muscles usually does not take too long before you can notice significant results. In the pre-hab/rehab section of the Paradiso website, you will notice a variety of hip exercises to do. These can be done one of two ways, right before you go for a run every day as a warm-up, or try to do them every other day for Prehab exercises.  Too often, people are too concerned with stretching their IT band and surrounding muscles when in fact, the solution is strength/stability vs purely flexibility and soft tissue work. Remember, the body knows how to heal itself, just need to give it the right tools.

Good luck team PCF!!

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