Friday January 2, 2015 Prehab: 10 Seated Wall Extensions Lat Activations, 3 different Grips, 5 reps each 10 Scapular Pushups Warmup: 8 Strict Sh Press 10 Samson Lunges 8 Push
Friday December 26, 2014 Bring your friends and family day! Be sure to have them fill out a waiver and reserve their spot in class in advance HERE! Prehab: Overhead
Friday December 19, 2014 Prehab: Wrist and Calves Mobility/ Stretches Tricep Mash Foam Roll IT Band and Quads Warmup: 5 Plank to Down Dog (Pause in each position) 10 Pushups
Friday, December 12, 2014 Prehab: Reverse Snow Angels, 10 reps, Slow Active Hang, 30 sec Banded Super Rack, 30 sec Warmup: 2 Rounds: 8 T- Pushups 10 Strict Shoulder Press
‘Kickin’ it for Kelly’ Tomorrow!
Friday December 5, 2014 As I hope you know by now, our fundraiser “Kickin’ it for Kelly” is this Saturday and is for Steve’s 26 year old sister who has recently been diagnosed with
Black Friday
Friday, November 28, 2014 Bring a Friend or Family member for Free today! Click HERE to sign them up in advance under the Free Trial section. Prehab: PVC Dislocates, 15
Friday November 21, 2014 Prehab: Theraband Routine (External Rotation/ Step Aways/ Circles—15 reps each) Overhead Band Distraction, 1 min each Prone PVC Dislocates, 10 reps Warmup: (In Plank) Shoulder Circles
Partner WOD
Friday, November 14, 2014 Prehab: Bird Dogs, 5 each Theraband Routine, 15 reps each Scapular Pushups, Hold 2 sec at top, 10 reps Hang from Bar, 30 sec Warmup: 1/2
Front Squat Fridays!
Friday, November 7 Prehab: Overhead Band Distraction Lat Activations Doorway Stretch Warmup: With Bar: 5 Shoulder Press 5 Pause Front Squat 5 Bent Over Rows 8 Push Press 8 Front
Halloween WOD- Wear your costume!
Friday, October 31 – Happy Halloween! All evening classes will be closed today due to the PCFWC preparation. Rest up and we will see you tomorrow at Muscle Beach!