PCF University- “Kipping It Real”

6 Week Gymnastics Kipping Class- “Kipping it Real!”
  • Wednesdays at 8:00pm in Venice with Coach Katie Hasiak
  • Register HERE for the class or email us at mail@paradisocrossfit.com with questions
  • Cost is $75

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PCF University classes are 6-week specialty classes designed by our expert coaches to help you improve one specific area of health and fitness through an immersive experience. Classes are held once per week and include “homework” that you can do outside of class to rapidly improve in a specific area of focus.

This course will teach you how the mechanics to effectively kip movements including the kipping pull-up, butterfly pull up, knee to elbow, toes 2 bar, bar muscle up and ring muscle up, and even touching base for HSPUs and ring dips for developing athletes.

Kipping is whole-body, athletic, and demands coordination and agility. It is plyometric, requires flexibility of the shoulders, allows for rapid cycle time, and in totality represents an essential, unique, and powerful core to extremity motor recruitment pattern.

In this course we will be focusing on proper body positioning, flexibility,  levering, and timing to create the movement patterns to become more efficient  for  high rep cycling movements. We will be creating/cleaning up the kip swing and teaching the mechanics for the wide range of kipping movements that we see in CrossFit. including:  kipping pull-up, butterfly pull up, knee to elbow, toes 2 bar, bar muscle up and ring muscle up, and even touching base for HSPUs and ring dips for developing athletes.

Register HERE for the class or email us at mail@paradisocrossfit.com with questions

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