WEEK OF 12/13-12/19

Monday –12/14

1) Back Squat 3 rep max, 80%x5, 85%x3, 90%x2

2) Back Squat Dip 3×3 120-140%

3) Power Clean w/ 3 sec. pause. 85-90% 3×2

4) Military Press 3×6-8 heavier than last week

Tuesday – 12/15

1) Snatch off block max, 85% 3×2

2) Snatch pull 115-120% 5×3

3) Snatch Grip Romanian Deadlift + Pull 5×2+1 90-100% (of snatch)

4) Behind the Neck Snatch Grip Pullup 3×5-15 with weight if possible

Thursday – 12/17

1) Snatch 90% x2 80% 2×2

2) Clean and Jerk 90% x2, 80% 2×2

3) Clean Pull 100% 3×3

4) Clean Deadlift Max (try to add from last week), Clean Pull 80% 3×2

Friday – 12/18

1) Front Squat Max (try to add weight from last week), 85% 2×2

2) Front Squat Dip 120-140% 3×3

3) Jerk off Rack 95%x1, 85% 2×2

4) Dumbbell Row 3x 6-8

5) Overhead Tricep extension 3×10-15


1) Power Snatch 85% 3×2

2) Snatch Pull 110% 3×3

3) Drop Snatch 60-70% 3×3

4) Bench Press 5×3 Heavy

5) Situp 3×25-50

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