Sunday, October 5, 2015


Morning classes are canceled at both gyms, we will have classes at 5 & 6pm at Venice only.

We all had a blast at the World Championships and Anniversary celebration and want to extend our gratitude to everybody who participated and helped make the events run smoothly! 

Tomorrow (Monday) we have our first FamilyFit class from 9-945am in Marina Del Rey. We will have a play area set up with toys, so come over and don’t let being a busy parent stop you from pursuing fitness!

Screen Shot 2015-10-03 at 7.38.28 PM

Epic family photo. We have so much love for you all 🙂


20 Lat Activation
Hollow Hold :30s
Foam Roll Upper Back/Shoulders


3 Rounds
:20s Air Squats
:20s Jumping Jacks
:20s Ring Row
:20s PVS Dislocates


Practice and review Power Snatches

EMOM for 12min: 1 Hang Power Snatch + 1 Power Snatch + 1 Snatch

Notes: Focusing on good form and technique. You may add weight as you go up, DO NOT go to failure. Scaled athletes can perform 2 x Hang Power Snatch + 1 Power Snatch

Partner Conditioning

AMRAP 10 Min:
2 Rope Climbs
5 Power Snatch
250m Row

Notes: RX is 95/65lbs. If you cannot perform a rope climb then please sub in a rope lower

Cool Down

20 Arch Rocks
Foam Roll legs and back
10 Scorpions

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