WEEK OF 7/26-8/1

Monday –7/27

1) Clean +Front Squat+ Jerk  (2 cleans+2 front squats+1 jerk) 80% 5×2+2+1

2) Clean off block 3×2 80%

3) Clean Pull (5 sec. pause at shin off platform) 80% 3×2

4) Clean Pull 3×2 100%

5) Front Squat 3×3 (80%)

6) Standing Military Press 5×3 (less weight)

7) Pike Situp 3×20

Tuesday – 7/28

1) Power Snatch (5 sec. pause at shin) 80% 3×3 (speed)

2) Snatch Pull off block  (5 sec. pause at knee) 5X3 85%

3) Back Squat (5 sec. pause in bottom position) 5×3 65% (speed)

4) Back Squat 5×5 80%

5)Hyper extension 3×8 (5 sec. pause a top with weight) (add weight)


 Thursday – 7/30

1) Snatch + Overhead Squat 80% 5×3+2

2) Snatch off block 3×2 80%

3) Snatch Pull (5 sec. pause at shin off platform) 80% 3×3

4) Snatch Pull 3×2 100%

5) Back Squat 5×3 80%

6) Push Press 3×3 85%

7) Bent Over Row 3×8 add weight

Friday – 7/31

1) Front Squat into Push Press 5×3 (moderate)

2) Front Squat 5×3 80%

3)Power Clean ( 5 sec. pause at shin) 5×2 80%

4) Clean Pull off block (5 sec. pause at knee) 100% 5×2

5) Bench Press 3×8 85%

6) Snatch Grip behind the neck pull up 3×5-10


Saturday- 8/1

1) Power Clean and Power Jerk 3×2 80%

2) Jerk 3×2 85%

3) Bend Over Squat 3×3 (moderate)

4) Snatch Deadlift (off platform) 3×6 80%

5) Hyper extension 3×10 (3 sec. pause) no weight

6) Leg raise 3×25-30

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