Monday, July 13, 2015

“Women and Wine” night is this Friday! Lululemon Beverly Hills and Unbroken Designs will be on hand selling exclusive product!

We will be hosting a “Pre Games” party on Saturday, July 18 from 3-7pm. Food, Beer, Workouts and athletes from around the LA area will be hanging out!

Weekly Programming:  Group Class, Venice Barbell, FastFit

Remember Coach Josh will be in China at a training camp for the next 2 weeks!


Bottom of the Squat x 2 minutes
Cat Stretch x 1 minute
Foam Roll x 3 minutes (lats and legs)


Jog 400 meters
10 Fire Hydrants, each direction, each leg
10 Wall Squats
10 Press
5 Pause Front Squats (2 seconds)
5 Thrusters


Front Squat – take 15-20 minutes to warm up and complete the following sets: 10 reps with a 2 second pause @ 40%, 10 reps w/ 2 sec pause @ 50 % x 2 and 5 reps w/ 2 sec pause  at 60% x 2. –

Notes: Maintain straight posture as you lower yourself down. Make sure the hip crease is below the knees before you stand up. Fight for the front rack position as the weight gets heavy by keeping those elbows as high as you can. Please add a box if you struggle to get below parallel.

If that is the case please keep the weight light until proper form and technique is achieved.


Pull Ups
-12 min cap-

Notes: The RX weight is 95/65lbs. Please scale accordingly if need be, Also please sub banded pull ups if you cannot perform kipping or strict pull ups. Remember this is a benchmark workout so it is important to go all out. Do you your best to take as little rest as possible.

Cool Down

“Easy” Row x 3 minutes
2 Rounds:
Wall Extensions x 10
Calf Raises x 10-20 each leg
Hip Stretch of Choice x 2 minutes

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