Wednesday, July 1st, 2015


No Beach Workout this week, but when it comes back on July 11th it will be free for all friends and family, located closer to the Venice gym and starting at 10am!


Posterior chain flossing, 1 minute each
10 PVC Dislocates
10 PVC Good Mornings
Fire Hydrants, 10 each direction
15 Scapula Push ups


Jog 400 meters
10 T-push ups
10 Good Mornings
10 Tuck ups
10 Deadlifts


Deadlift – take 15-20 minutes to warm up and complete sets of 3 reps at 60 %, 70%, 80% and  3 + reps at 90%.

Notes:  IF YOU PERFORMED 3+ REPS Last time please add 5-10lbs to your 1RM then take your percentage off of that number. If you did not please keep your 1RM the same. Make sure on the last set you complete as many reps as you can (safely at 90 percent). Make sure you maintain proper form and posture on Deadlifts to protect your back. Do not allow back to round. Remember technique is the key so please keep light if you are new to Deadlifts. You may also use Kettlebells or Dumbbells for those that need it scaled down.


3 Rounds
30 Russian KB Swings
20 DB Snatches
10 Ring Dips

Notes: The RX+ and RX weight for the kettlebell Swings are as heavy as possible without compromising good form and technique. The Dumbbell Weight is 50/35 lbs. If too heavy please scale to an appropriate weight. If you cannot perform Ring Dips please scale to Box Dips or banded box dips.

Cool down:

10 Wall Extensions
Pike stretch, 1 minute
Pigeon, 90 seconds each

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