Weekend Excitement

Weekly Programming Links:  Group Class, Advanced, Venice Barbell Club

Monday, December 9, 2013


Foam Roll Legs
Supported Ankle Stretch – DEMO


1 minute of Jumping Jacks, then
2 Rounds:
10 Wall Squats (second round back squats with barbell)
5 strict pull ups or 10 ring rows
5-15 push ups
10 light kettlebell swings
10 tuck ups
Sampson Stretch

Classic Strength

5 Rounds of:
3 Back Squat- Heavier than last time
5 Strict or Weighted Pull-ups

Notes: Compare to 11/27/13.  Spend some time building up to your working weight and try to maintain across the 5 sets.  If you cannot perform 5 strict pullups, the first scale is partner pullups, if this is challenging perform 5 strict ring rows at a challenging angle.

Advanced Strength

6X 3/6 FS/BS @ 90% (of 1RM Front Squat) – rest 3-4 min between sets and increase rest each set as needed

Notes:  We have increased the rest because this is extremely challenging.  Feel free to include some strict pullup work between sets as well.

Classic Conditioning

“Burping Annie”
50-40-30-20-10 reps for time of:
Double unders
-20 minute cap-

Notes: Today is a great day to practice your rope skills!  If you can perform a double under at all, you will be working on them today!  The first scaling option will be to perform the same number of reps and count your attempts.  If you are still struggling with double unders, perform as many reps as you can in 2 minutes for the first 3 rounds and then as many as you can for 1 minute for the last 2 rounds.  If you cannot perform a double under at all, then your scale will be to perform 4x as many single jump ropes.  Focus on body position and using the wrists!

Advanced Conditioning

“Flight Simulator”
5-10-15-20-25-30-35-40-45-50-45-40-35-30-25-20-15-10-5 unbroken sets of Double unders.
-20 minute cap-

Notes: The jump rope must come to a complete stop between each set. All sets must be UB to move on to the next set, meaning if you miss rep number 9 on your 10 set, you must perform the 10 set again before moving on.  Don’t underestimate this one!  Take your time and manage your rest wisely:)

Cool Down

Theraband Routine:
External rotation
Steps ways
Shoulder circles


Congrats to Coach Derrick Johnson for winning the 2013 American Open! He finished with a 117kg/257lb snatch and 145kg/319lb clean and jerk for a 262kg/576lb total! This was in the 62kg/136lb weight class, which was the biggest total in 14 years at this competition. (That’s a lesson for all you who think that getting bigger will make you stronger!)

Humble as always, his comment afterward was, “I have a lot of improvements to make but that is what makes training fun and I am very appreciative of my 7th ?AO? title. I would like to thank everyone who joined me in this journey.?” Cheers to that Derrick and keep on going!




Also, big congrats to coach Lauren for winning the local Babe Brawl CrossFit team competition…Not only did they win the event, but they got 1st in every event!  Way to go LG!!

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