What Is This Song About?

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Advanced Specialty Class will be offered at MDR at 830pm, focusing on Muscle-Ups!

Swim Night at Culver City Plunge at 7:30pm. Only 6 spots available!

Warm up/Mobility:

Jog 400 meters
15 Bar Activations
10 Push ups
20 Lunges

Gymnastics Strength:

3 rounds or 15 minutes for Quality:

3 Invert to lowers on rings –DEMO
5 Pushup or Ring Dip Negatives (5 seconds to lower then explode to the top)?
5 Press to Headstand –DEMO
Seated OH Squat stretch, 20 second hold – DEMO 


AMRAP 20 minutes for Quality:
30 second Handstand hold
30 second PVC Overhead Squat hold
30 second L-sit hold
30 second chin over bar hold

     Notes: These holds are accumulated time FOR QUALITY. The Handstand will ideally be facing the wall (don’t worry if you can’t see the clock, just count in your head:). The squat should be active at all times, if you end up relaxing on your low back or resting on your calves, stop and rest. The L-sit is prescribed on the floor, but use boxes or parallettes as needed. Chin over the bar can have the hands in any grip, sub holding the top of the ring row as needed.

Cool Down:

Cobra Stretch, 30 seconds
Samson Stretch, 30 seconds per leg


Rene!  Seated Overhead Squat stretch.

     I often tell our new members that what we call Functional Movements are actually things we would have done outside the gym anyway.  They are movements that are essential to living independently, and predate any box or exercise equipment.  Indeed, one of the questions I remember from long ago was, ‘What did you deadlift, squat, or clean today?’  And the question is still pertinent.  I dare people to live life without sitting and standing (squats), picking something up (deadlifts), or bringing said object higher than their waist to rest on the shoulders (cleans.)  We only teach them in a way that is safe, efficient, and effective.  This organically leads to the question, what movements in the lifetime of your CrossFit career have you found to have the largest carryover to your real world life or non-CF sport?
     Although I am emotionally attached to the Back Squat and Muscle ups, although I borderline worship the snatch for it’s sheer athletic benefits, it is undoubtedly the full clean and jerk and (gasp!) running, that I have called upon in moments of duress or first response.  People tell me, after several months of CrossFit, they feel lighter, in better shape, in a consistently better mood, and undoubtedly stronger.  And I love hearing stories of those instances.  I was once in LAX and realized I was on the wrong effing terminal, and I had to be on the other side of the airport like 10 minutes ago.  I booked it.  I ran and ran and ran and bobbed and weaved and kept going and going and, although I’m not the best runner by any stretch of the imagination, I wasn’t tired!  That’s when I knew CrossFit would save my life multiple times.  Life threatening situation during rock climbing?  No problem, I’ve dealt with this feeling before.  Breathe and Move on.  Almost being crushed by waves in the Impact Zone?  Don’t panic, force yourself to relax and breathe and be cool.  CrossFit gave me this.  How about some of you?
Hierarchy of Carbohydrates (thanks to Track Master Frank)


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