Into the Wild

Five rounds for time of:

15 foot L-rope climb, 1 ascent

5 Parallette handstand push-ups

45 pound barbell One-legged overhead squat, 10 reps

For the rope climb, begin seated on the ground. For the handstand push-ups, the ears should dip below hand level. For the one-legged squats, alternate legs.

If you cannot perform the L-rope climb, perform a standard legless climb, if 15ft is too high, pick a height you can perform legless safely, if you cannot perform a legless climb, use one of the variations from our rope climb video.

If you cannot perform the Parallette HSPUs to todays standard, but can perform a regular HSPU, try something different than normal, use parallettes, go deeper than usual, try kipping from a deep position when you normally go strict, etc.  For those that can’t perform a proper HSPU, use our tutorial on kipping HSPUs to find an alternative that works for you.  You should only go below parallel if you can perform a regular HSPU!

I didn’t have time to film an overhead one legged squat with a barbell, but it is possible!  If you can peform a good pistol already, then start with the PVC pipe to see what it is like to have a bar overhead and slowly work your way up to find a weight that is possible for the workout.  If you do not know how to perform a one legged squat aka pistol, check out this video.


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Bryan in Bora Bora, enjoying Paradise CrossFit

For the past few months, we have been recieving emails and notices from members that they will need to place their memberships on hold due to extended travel dates.  This could not make me happier!  I just finished reading a book called Vagabonding, a suggestion by Frank (who happens to be backpacking around Costa Rica right now), in which the author outlines the ‘art of long-term world travel.’  Check out this excerpt in which he is explaining the concept of travelling to find meaning:

Indeed, if travel is a process that helps you “find yourself,” its because it leaves you with nothing to hide behind – it yanks you out from the realm of rehearsed responses and dull comforts, and forces you into the present.  Here, in the fleeting moment, you are left to improvise, to come to terms with your raw, true Self.

To be clear.  I am not talking about the pre-planned, tourist trap packages you buy online, but rather immersing yourself into another culture.  I’m talking about getting outside of your comfort zone, committing to something that you cannot completely control, and accepting the good with the bad. In CrossFit this journey begins by walking through the door.  We build a foundation by attending on ramp classes and over time we gain knowledge and confidence.  Within the walls of this gym, you perform feats you could never have dreamed possible.  You want something more and the call of the unkown and competition beckons you.  Whatever the reason, you are now days away from facing the unknown and there is no backing out now!

Good luck to everyone competing in the Tri-County Shakedown this weekend!  We will be closed on Saturday in observance of this special event, but come on out to watch the action!  We have 4 teams participating, one in every heat, from 8am until 3:30pm, so there will always be someone to cheer!  There will be 32 other teams from around 10 other gyms competing!

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