PCF University – Sunday Mass

Sunday Mass

Coached by Jeff McKinney

  • Sundays at noon at our Venice location from June 12th – July 17th, no class June 19th
  • Register HERE now or email us at mail@paradisocrossfit.com with questions
  • Cost is $75

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This is a program for any athlete who is interested in building strength.  An emphasis will be put on powerlifting lifts: back squat, deadlift, bench press and in our class, the pull up.
CrossFit is a great program, however it is tough for those athletes who have not spent time in the gym in a classic sense developing some baseline strength. Mass class will teach proper mechanics as well as show many of the accessory and isolation movements that can be added to any program to build supplemental strength.

For the experienced athlete, Sunday Mass will help to solidify strength through the posterior chain.

Class will discuss Westside Barbell powerlifting method, known as the conjugate method.  There will be instruction on how to properly use chains, bands and unconventional lifts to help build broad strength applicable to any sport.

You can register for Sunday Mass HERE.

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